Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Promise I Am Still Alive...

To those who have been following my blog and have been disappointed in my absence for the past few weeks, I am deeply sorry. I have been going absolutely crazy working and studying for one of the classes I've been taking. It's called "Energy Management Systems: Local, National, & International Implications". So at first glance, this may seem like a harmless pro-Environmentalist course but in think that, you would be extremely wrong.
Basically this course boils down to engineering: rich with mathematics, physics and chemistry (yummy). For those of you who do not know me, to state it plainly- I am not a math and science person. The first day of classes when our professor, Dr. Buffington, was talking about kilojoules, BTU, kilograms and megawatts, I thought my mind was going to explode. I think my face maintained a blank stare for about 45 minutes. (Except when he mentioned kilojoules- as that reminded me of jewels, which reminded me of those little troll dolls with the hair that sticks up and the rhinestones on their bellybuttons. That thought entertained me for the better portion of a half-hour...)
Long story short: I worked my butt of for this class, ended up understanding it and got an A! Thank God for small favors, right? However, as a result of my understanding of this course, the door that was forever shut to math and science has a crack in it. I am rethinking my whole law school path and considering business school because I actually enjoyed the math formulas. Oh, how things can change.
Anyway, as a result of my incessant working, I have been leading a semi-boring life. As you can see, I've gone on many field trips (which is a requirement for the course). I am learning a tremendous amount of information about agriculture, but also about business management, marketing and international trade laws.
This semester has turned out to be far more life altering than I assumed. Well, let me rephrase, it is far more life altering for different reasons than I assumed. I knew that I was going to grow as a person from the basic fact that I am living out of the country, in a completely new environment, without English and sweet tea (one guess which of those was the hardest to get used to...). However, I never thought that this experience could potentially shape my path of study and future career. As I stated before, I always assumed law school would be the next step for me. Now I feel as though my eyes are opening up to an entirely new range of choices that I never considered before. Normally, I would be overwhelmed by my indecisiveness but at the moment I feel like I am standing on a beach marveling at the ocean, and I can't wait to see where the tide will take me.

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